set free prayer ministry

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       The six Set Free books are also available through and can be quickly ordered through that site.  The other Set Free materials are available only through this site and must be ordered by calling 918-413-5475.  

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Online ordering is no longer available. All of the books written by Dr. Gardner are available on To order Set Free Prayer Ministry products call 918-413-5475 to place a phone order, and send a check to:  Jim Gardner at 22361 Pine Ridge Circle, Poteau, OK, 74953.         

Set Free Prayer Ministry is NOT a non-profit organization because we do not want the government to have any control over what we can say or not say. But it is a ministry that provides a lot of free services such as free training conferences, free books and literature for jails, and free prayer ministry sessions. In order for this ministry to continue it is necessary to sell products at a profit but we want to make these products affordable to the average person. If you would like to purchase a book, video series, or some booklets to distribute please click onto the text above and order your items on-line. We thank you for your purchase which enables us to continue this ministry. If you would like to make a donation you may do so on the donation page.

                                                                                                                              In His Peace

,                                                                                                                             Jim Gardner, Ph.D.

set free books

The following books are all available through and may be obtained at that site.  They can also be order by phone from Set Free Prayer Ministry by calling 918-413-5475 or by mailing a check to Jim Gardner at 22361 Pine Ridge Circle, Poteau, OK 74953, including $5.00 for shipping and handling.

  • Trading pain for peace

    This book was written in 2008 by Dr. Gardner.  It provides a general summary of this prayer ministry, discusses the two different types of emotions, and explains how to apply two prayer principles for resolving these emotions.  It also contains a chapter on how to create a prayer plan with individuals to help them identify the underlying emotions behind their emotional issues.  Cost: $10 plus shipping

  • stop living with grief

    This second book was written to provide a book devoted to the topic of grief which leads to many other problems such as anger, depression, marital problems, and drug abuse.  Dr. Gardner discusses how to apply the Set Free prayer principles to complicated forms of grief resulting from suicides, violence, divorces, and other traumas.   Cost: $10 plus shipping.

  • set free, indeed:  finding peace without pills

    This book was written in 2016 to serve as a manual for Sunday School classes and evening services.  There are 24 chapters in the book that cover the same content as the three Set Free Seminars conducted by Dr. Gardner, and there are 24 video sessions available, featuring Dr. Gardner teaching the content of the chapters.  Classes can view the 20-30 minute videos and then discuss them to learn how to do this ministry.  Book Cost: $20 plus shipping.,    24 Video Set Cost: $100

  • stopping the anger and violence epidemic: highly-effective, faith-based anger management

    This book was written in 2018 in response to the violence epidemic in our society and to equip the church to resolve the underlying emotions of anger and grief that lead to violence. The government, politicians, and the media will never be able to stop the violence epidemic in our country--but the Christian church can. With a powerful, faith-based way for people to overcome their anger and grief, the Christian church can lead the way and show the world how to use prayer to release its anger and grief.   Cost: $10 plus shipping.

  • before the sun goes down

    This book was written in 2022 for young people, to help them learn how to overcome grief and anger, so that they can share these principles with classmates and stop the violence in our schools. This book is a re-write of "Stopping the anger and violence Epidemic," with simpler vocabulary, no footnotes, and more illustrations of teenagers who found freedom from anger and grief.  Cost: $10 plus shipping.

  • feelings and faith

    This book was written in 2023 to serve as a primer to other books written by Dr. Gardner. It discusses the general topic of what the Bible teaches us about the relationship between feelings and faith and would be a good book to use in a Bible study or Sunday School class to introduce this topic to them.  Cost: $10 plus shipping.

set free children's books


Michelle Miller is a Set Free Prayer Minister who has been a special education teacher for over 17 years. She wrote this set of 10 children's books to teach children how to be set free from grief, anger, shame, fear, guilt and sexual abuse. Each of the 10 stories is true story of a child who was set free from their negative emotions by praying with a Set Free Prayer minister.

Cost of 10-Book Set: $40.00

Shipping Cost: $5.00

(Go to to order)

other Set Free products

In addition to the four Set Free books displayed above, the following items are also available, but can only be purchased through Set Free Prayer Ministry.  To make an order, call Set Free Prayer Ministry at 918-413-5475, and mail a check to Jim Gardner at 22361 Pine Ridge Circle, Poteau, OK 74953, including $5.00 for shipping.

  • set free, indeed workbooks

    These four workbooks were designed to be used along with the book, "Set Free, Indeed: Finding Peace without Pills" in small prayer groups of men or women who want to apply the principles to themselves to experience healing of their emotions.  These small groups must be confidential because the questions in the workbook are very personal, but those who work through the workbooks will gain the maximum benefit from the program.  Cost: $8.00 per workbook, plus shipping.  

  • grief booklet

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to get rid of grief.  These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved grief issues.  Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.          Grief_Booklet.pdf

  • anger booklet

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to get rid of anger. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved anger issues. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                                    Anger_Booklet.pdf

  • shame booklet

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to get rid of shame. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved shame issues. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                             Shame_Booklet_.pdf

  • addiction booklet

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to get rid of addiction. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved addiction issues. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                   Addiction_Booklet_.pdf

  • doubts booklet (about salvation)

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to help others overcome doubts about their salvation. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have doubts about their salvation. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                     Doubts_Booklet.pdf  

  • FeAr booklet

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to overcome fears. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved fears. Cost: 5 for $1.00Note: 

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                             Fear_Booklet_.pdf

  • depression

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to overcome depression. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved depression. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                 Depression_Booklet.pdf       

  • PTSD

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how to overcome traumas These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have unresolved traumas. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                            PTSD_Booklet.pdf               

  • steps to freedom

    This booklet provides eleven steps to freedom for those seeking a spiritual faith-based way to freedom from bondage. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who have emotional struggles. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                Steps_to_Freedom_2.pdf

  • stopping america's violence epidemic

    This booklet provides a very brief explanation of how we can stop violence by help people overcome feelings of anger and grief. These booklets can be conveniently carried in a shirt pocket, wallet, or purse and are handy to have for individuals you meet who are concerned about the violence in America. Cost: 5 for $1.00

    Note:  This booklet may be printed on a color printer for no cost by clicking onto the following blue words and printing it on both sides. Each page will produce three booklets which must be separated by a paper cutter. It is recommended that you used light weight glossy paper.                 SAVE_Booklet.pdf        

  • booklet sample package

    This package contains two of each the ten booklets regarding grief, anger, shame, fear, addiction, PTSD, depression, PTSD, Stopping America's Violence Epidemic, and finding Peace without Pills. Cost: $4.00

  • demo videos (set of 10)

    These ten DVDs are live sessions conducted by Dr. Gardner that illustrate how to pray with individuals about grief, anger, shame, and addiction.  There are four sessions of a woman who had a serious addiction that she was able to overcome through prayer sessions to find healing for her grief, anger, and sexual abuse. There is one session with a man who lost his 21-year old son, a woman who lost her husband, a grief counselor who needed prayer about her grief over the loss of her mother, a man who had anger and marital problems, and two sessions with a young lady who had obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and anger and grief issues to resolve.   Cost: $75 plus shipping

  • wristband: "do not let the sun go down on your anger"

    These wristbands have the message, "DO NOT LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON YOUR ANGER."  They are available to give to  individuals who understand and make the Ephesians 4:26 pledge. Cost: $1.00 each, plus shipping

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