Set Free Prayer Ministry

"Helping churches help people find god's peace"

Welcome to Set Free Prayer Ministry! 

Set Free Prayer ministry is a church-based program for teaching people how to pray effectively about their emotions so that they can be set free from grief, anger, shame, addiction and depression and have genuine peace without pills. 

Distinctives of this Ministry

1)  It is not a recovery program but a comprehensive program that addresses all types of emotional problems including grief, anger, shame, addiction, depression, and marital problems

2)  It is not a 12-step program or based upon any secular theories or techniques

3)  It is a biblical, powerful, prayer-based way to help people with their emotional struggles

4)  It teaches that our emotional struggles and compulsive behaviors and addictions are the result of life experiences, not the result of brain disorders or chemical imbalances.

Contact Number


Click Here to Contact a:       Certified Prayer Minister

welcome to set free prayer ministry

Click here for a message from Dr. Gardner /about-us/welcome

We are thrilled that you have found this ministry website and hope that it will help you learn to deal effectively with any feelings of grief, anger, shame, fear, or depression that are robbing you of God's peace.  God wants you to experience His joy and peace in your life and we want to help you learn how to trade your emotional pain for peace.

Jim Gardner, Ph.D., and Family

Click Here to see Bio

set free training seminars

The 2020 Set Free Prayer Ministry seminars are now available on this website on the training page. They are also available on Youtube and can be found by copying the following URL  and pasting it onto your computer or phone google bar:                                                                          

stopping the anger and violence epidemic

There is an epidemic of violence in our country today and every time another mass shooting occurs, the media and politicians erupt into another volatile debate over the causes and the solution. This book provides an analysis of the underlying causes of this violence, as well as the solution to it. 

Click onto Video to see a video about this book.

precious daughter  goes home with the lord

Our daughter, Rachel, went home to be with the Lord on April 28, 2019 at 37 years of age. She was a prayer warrior with strong faith and she struggled with Cystic Fibrosis her entire life. Rachel means "A Ewe lamb" and represents the personification of gentleness and patience while suffering.  This name suited her well and she held strong to her firm belief that the Lord was going to heal her and told her father to raise her from the dead, if she died. He tried but the Lord chose to keep her with Him. We suspect that she saw Jesus and that such "joy filled her heart" that when He asked her if she wanted to return she said, "No. I'm good!"  

We know she is safe in the arms of Jesus.  She spent her last months listening to worship songs and reading Scripture verses. Her funeral was described by one pastor as "Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!" Another pastor said, "I've been to a lot of funerals but this was the best funeral I have ever been to. It was very uplifting. To watch the funeral service or to see a slide show of her childhood and hear her sing three of her songs, click onto the words that follow:                                            


fireman set free from ptsd

A young fireman stated that he experienced a trauma from an emergency call that he and some other firemen received. When the call came, one of his partners told him that it was going to be a difficult and he “had a bad feeling” from the beginning because the call came from a local abortion clinic. When they arrived at the clinic, they were met with hostility from the staff who denied having called for help, but someone inside the clinic did call for help. The staff whom they initially met told them to leave and threatened to sue them, but they found a young lady who had just had an abortion, and she had been been cut internally and was bleeding to death.



A young woman came for help with her addiction to pain pills, heroin, and meth. She told me that she began using Adderall at age 16, Xanax at age 17, and pain pills at age 21 after having some surgery. I asked about her family history to learn why she began using drugs at age 16 and she stated that her biological father was never involved in her life, her mother was abusive to her, and she witnessed her stepfather beat her mother violently when she was 4 years old. Her older brother was mean and abusive to her during her childhood. As she talked about these painful memories she cried profusely.

                        READ MORE

recent  testimony

"I Can't Forgive Her"

A man came for help with anger, depression, drinking, and marital problems. He stated that it began two years earlier when he learned that his wife was having an affair with a neighbor man. He said that he was so angry at his wife and the neighbor that he could not forgive them and he had been tearing his wife down for the last six months to make her feel his pain, but it was only destroying his marriage.

READ MORE                       READ OTHER STORIES

recent testimony

Set Free from Depression and Shame

A young Christian mother of two children came for help with her depression which she  said she had had for seventeen years. She had received counseling which did not help and she was taking three psychiatric medications that were not helping either. She and her husband were both Christians but she felt overwhelmed, guilt-ridden, and hopeless. She had some dysfunction in her family of origin, and her parents had conflicts on a daily basis.  She made good grades in school, behaved well, and had plenty of friends but was full of anxiety.



Set Free Prayer Ministry has a number of resources available.  The three books shown below are available through and there are a variety of pocket-sized booklets available for distribution through this website, as well as teaching videos to help individuals learn how to do this prayer ministry.  To read more about these resources or to order materials click onto the following words.                                                                         LEARN MORE

  • trading pain for peace

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  • stopping america's violdence epidemic

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  • before the sun goes down

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  • feelings and faith

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Set free promo

This brief video features five individuals who were set free from grief, anger, shame, depression, and anxiety as a result of this prayer ministry.  Copies of this video are available for those who wish to show it to their church or organization.  For more video testimonies click onto the VIDEO tab.  


emergency response team

We have trained Set Free Prayer Ministers who have been trained in this ministry who are very effective in helping individuals resolve feelings of grief, anger, shame, and depression through the use of this ministry. Dr. Gardner is a licensed professional counselor who has been a professional counselor for forty years. He has found it to be extremely effective in helping individuals who have experienced traumas of all sorts. 

In 2010 he traveled to Haiti to help earthquake victims and helped many individuals overcome their traumas through prayer and in October of 2017 he took a team to Las Vegas after the shooting of 59 civilians, and assisted a church there in helping members of their church who were traumatized by the shooting. 

On Sunday, October 1, 2017 58 people were killed and over 500 injured by a gunman shooting automatic weapons from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas. 22,000 people were in attendance at a country music concert when the shooting began at about 10:00 pm and everyone began running for shelter.  This was the largest mass killing in the country and it immediately gained national attention.  The entire city was impacted and began displaying signs saying, "Pray for Las Vegas."  

concert attendee receives prayer over his trauma

One of those people was a retired man named Kevin, a member of Valley Bible Fellowship, who was introduced to Dr. Gardner by Associate Pastor, Russell Hoyt.  Keven went with with a friend of his to the concert, and they were sitting on the front row when the shooting began. Kevin recognized the sound of the machine gun and pushed his friend under the stage for shelter and then followed him. Another man who crawled under the stage was shot in the hip and they used their shirts to make a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. They remained under the stage for 12 minutes while the shooting continued, and they watched as unarmed men, women, and children were shot. He witnessed a policeman and a pregnant woman being shot. When the shooting stopped they ran for their lives.

set free prayer ministry team

Jim Gardner, James Gardner, Michelle Miller, and Kaitlyn Miller from Set Free Prayer Ministry felt a burden to go to Las Vegas to help victims with their PTSD.   Jim Gardner called Valley Bible Fellowship in Las Vegas and explained about Set Free Prayer Ministry and his experience with PTSD victims.  Russell shared this with the Head Pastor and the church staff, who examined our website, and then they enthusiastically invited us to come. The First Baptist Church in Heavener, OK provided some funds and a vehicle for them and they drove 19 hours to Las Vegas and then met with pastor Russell Hoyt and his wife at the church.

partnering with local church

Pastor of Outreach, Russell Hoyt, welcomed them to their church where they were privileged to teach a 3 hour seminar on Sunday afternoon, about how to help people overcome PTSD. The pastor stated that 7 of their church members had been killed and 24 wounded in the attack. He introduced Jim Gardner to Kevin, who had trauma from the attack and Jim and James met with him later that evening.  The following morning the pastor delivered a moving message and ended by sharing a true story of a 16-year-old Christian girl who attended the concert and was unharmed, but immediately called all of her friends and told them about Jesus.  During the invitation, over 100 people came forward for prayer and the pastor invited the Set Free team to pray with people. 

Note:  To speak with Pastor Russell Hoyt about the impact of our team call:    702-254-2251

The lord brings peace

When Kevin met with Jim Gardner on Saturday evening he told his story of the attack and admitted that he felt much anger at the shooter, for targeting unarmed people, for causing such trauma in the lives of so many, and for taking the lives of parents from their children. After listing the reasons for his anger, he prayed and asked the Lord to take it from him and it was immediately removed. 

He talked about his survivor’s guilt and believing that he should have done more to save lives, so we prayed about his feelings of shame and asked the Lord what He wanted Kevin to know. The Lord spoke to his heart and told him, “There was nothing more that you could do” and “I’m proud of you.” This took away his feelings of shame and guilt. 

Then he talked about his sadness over the people who were so traumatized and who lost their children or parents. We made a list of the reasons for his sadness and gave them to the Lord, and his sadness disappeared. 

leadership training in prayer ministry

The pastor of the church invited Jim Gardner and his team to come to the church and provide a 3-hour teaching session on how to overcome PTSD  through prayer.  Church staff members were invited and were very receptive to the teaching. and began using the prayer ministry to pray with others while we were still in Las Vegas.  Two weeks later pastor Russell texted Dr. Gardner to say that he and his wife had prayed with five other people in the church and were amazed at how effective it was.  What a joy it was to be received so warmly by these believers and to plant some seeds in their church that will continue to bring healing and hope to the city of Las Vegas. 

To speak with pastor Russell Hoyt of Valley Bible Fellowship church about Set Free Prayer Ministry call 702-254-2251.

pray for las vegas and for our country

Many lives were changed forever during the 12 minutes in which the shooter rained down bullets upon 22,000 unarmed men, women, and children in Las Vegas.  Many of them will have PTSD for the rest of their lives, and many will turn to drugs and alcohol as a result of this day,  but many others made important decisions in their lives to serve the Lord boldly and to not live in fear anymore.  May the Lord use this terrible tragedy to awaken His church to become a mighty army of prayer warriors.  Prepare for the next mass tragedy that occurs in our country, because it will happen again, remembering that the world has no solution for this national crisis.  Only the Lord can  change the lives of people and remove the anger and hatred from their lives.  Join us in showing others how to be set free, indeed!

Note:  If interested in contacting Dr. Jim Gardner regarding our team coming to your church or area, call 918-413-5475.